Welcome to AmericanBe Great, Be the Best, Be a Bison! About American The American Military Academy, founded by Colonel Ramón M. Barquín López, began its educational mission in January 1963 with 28 students, in the premises located next to the intersection of the old highways 20 and Los Filtros de Guaynabo. SEE MORE Why study at American Academic Program Organized in levels, its goal is educational excellence and the training of bilingual students. See more Co-curricular activities Complementary activities such as sports teams, clubs and organizations. See more Gallery Resource Center Learning Resource Center, Internet Access (Wifi) throughout the campus, Two "Forward Learning" Centers, among many more. See more Appreciation 100% of our graduates are admitted to universities in the United States, Europe and Puerto Rico. See more Enjoy the Bison's Journey Once a Bison, always a Bison. Putting a World of Knowledge, at their fingertips Admissions